Greetings English Language Educators,
Are you interested in practicing English? Do you know an English language Educator who would like to? Connect with other English teachers from around Brazil and beyond and learn more about the U.S. via webinars every week.
We will be viewing a video series called Crossroads Cafe which follows the lives of six characters in a busy café in the U.S. During the hour program, we will be discussing the storyline, learning particular English expressions, and comparing cultural points. You do not have to join every week to benefit. It’s a novela and you can always catch up with the story the next episode.
We plan to start the webinars this Friday May 13th , but haven’t selected the time yet. If you are interested participating and would like to vote on a broadcast time, visit to get more information.
If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before:
Regional English Language Office
U.S. Consulate General
São Paulo - Brasil